
Over The Hill Game profile


May 12th 2013, 16:46:46

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:

A vast majority of people retire within 12 months of OAS/CPP eligibility age. Thus increasing the OAS eligibility age will increase the average retirement age e.g. "retirement age".

As a result, my statement is defensible.

No it's not.....

StatsCan reports that the "AVERAGE" Canadian retirement age is 62, not as you put it "a VAST MAJORITY" retiring at 64

I've read your previous comments.
Your views are based on your family and friend's financial inability to retire at the "average" retirement age of 62.
Your family may not be able to financially afford retirement unless they receive that OAS pension but please don't speak on behalf of the "average" Canadian

the average Canadian isn't dependant upon the maximum $546.07 monthly OAS pension.

the Canadian gov't just found another way to screw the average Canadian out of $546.07 a month for a 2 year period.....not delay their retirement

Edited By: Over The Hill on May 12th 2013, 16:59:23
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