
Xinhuan Game profile


May 17th 2013, 22:10:40

I've avoided posting on this thread so far, mostly because I think this discussion is going nowhere.

PERSONALLY, I think that:

1. The alliance you are in means a great deal to whether you will finish high. The policies of the alliance, and how effective the FRs are able to negotiate deals, and threaten other alliances, is a large leverage.

The playing field is not level across clans. The available toolset is different. The bots are different. The websites are different. The available shared spy ops and amounts of them from allied clans is a large turns savings for some clans.

Anyone will tell you that you can PROBABLY finish with a higher net, if you net in LaF or Evo compared to say SoL or Rival.

2. That said, I personally still STRIVE for an even field WITHIN the clan I am in - I don't care if I edge out other clans - I will accept FA if it means it knocks someone else in some other clan out of the top 10 - but I will not take FA if it means my rank will go above someone else in LaF. That is, I will take FA, but only if the relative rankings within LaF remains unchanged. And that is how LaF operates, we don't compromise (most of us try not to) fairness internally. Partly because 9 years ago, I finished rank 11 once, and only because some rank 15 dude in LaF was FAed above me, pushing me out of top 10 - and rank 8-9-10 was all LaF too.

I believe in fairness within the alliance I am in, but I don't give a fluff about people in other alliances (give or take a bit depending on relations with said clan). And that's really how every clan member should be, promoting only the interests of their clan.

You'll find that most of the FAing LaF did, is within 1m NW of not passing the next higher ranked LaF guy.

All of you should just shut up about blah blah blah being hypocritical, but really, we're just playing the game the way it is meant to be played - as an alliance.

Edited By: Xinhuan on May 17th 2013, 22:15:07
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