
Xinhuan Game profile


May 18th 2013, 6:25:35

Originally posted by Drow:
congrats Xin. You just contradicted both Eugene AND Son Goku.
They claimed LaF doesn't FA. you've just provided proof that they do.
So once again, their acts of sabotage on Wari last set were nothing more than sour grapes and genuine hypocrisy and douchebaggery by LaF. Stay classy guys!

You have reading issues.

I did not contradict Son Goku. The only post he made was:

Originally posted by Son Goku:
You'd be wrong. LaF or any other alliance can dictate whatever policy they see fit as long as they're ready to defend their policies. I don't know how people who have played this game for years still don't understand that. If you have an issue, war over it. That's how this game goes.

Which perfectly fits with what I said, we don't give a fluff about other clans. And that he is correct, we don't have tech leeches in the top 10. He never once claimed we don't FA.

I did contradict Eugene. He said "in addition, we dont FA ppl into t10 just for fun". He meant FAing people into rank 1, not rank 10. We have never ever FAed anyone into rank 1, and the reset Eugene mentioned following the quote, is the one exception, which was Enforcer doing it on his own.

Edited By: Xinhuan on May 18th 2013, 6:27:44
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