
sigma Game profile


May 26th 2013, 7:05:32

I'd like to thank the peeps that joined in this war. I had a fun time playing and warring next to guys I haven't had to pleasure of warring with before---only against. I'd like to personally thank CC for sparring two members of their tag to play with us.

The war stats speak for themselves. Pele's countries and his walling made all the difference in the war. Special shout out to him.

On my side of things, Raging Budda is a stud and the steal of the draft. The dude knows how to war and i've had fun waking up at 4am walling and seeing him trying to fall back asleep after he walled. Smegma was great hitting with as well. Was interesting fighting with him this set versus fighting against him last. :)

Quoting RB: started weird, got more weird in the middle, and ended weird. still a bunch of fun though.

Thanks to all who participated, and their wives who haven't left their dudes yet.

Edited By: sigma on May 26th 2013, 7:17:30
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