


Jun 13th 2013, 7:07:49

Originally posted by Oceana:
Yes, Jordan was entertaining.
But to say Lebron is just average means Dennis shouldn't have had anything of a pro career

Rodman just set the Piston's rebound record. LeBron only put up points in the first years to make him look good as the Cavs didn't have anything to support him. It was a one man show that he couldn't get him a ring even though they went to the finals. It is called a team sport and the Bulls in the 90's are only rivaled in chemistry to the 70's Celtics. The last part was a bit off topic, however, LeBron maybe bigger and stronger, but MJ would dominate that mind. All sports is just a mind game. LeBron doesn't have that.
Wade won with Shaq because Coach Popovich didn't coach against him in the finals. If you do a "Hack A Shaq" you slow the game down and Shaq was in the final years of his career and just was a big body to fill the paint in. Wade really ran it all himself with roughly the same supporting cast as LeBron did wiht the Cavs. We could state that Wade is better as he won a ring with a big dumb ass as a center and minimal support staff.

Edited By: MrTan1 on Jun 13th 2013, 7:10:57
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iScode> thats ok mrford i know when im not welcome!! :(
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