


Jun 19th 2013, 20:42:50

Scode:the reason you're against it has very little to do with anything you've posted. You've netgained .. Err never since I started playing earth again therefor landtrading influences you in no way shape or form.

The real reason you're against it is to find a war partner and it has nothing to do with anything else. And you actually don't have much more an interest in 'what's good for the game' or promoted activity.. It's only to be able to war someone and fight over and over again. Your spirit garbage is about as believable as firebrick doing his cheerleaders spirit fingers impressuon

Xin:i know you're not personally against it currently however lockets question I believe was for those that are against and adding it in pacting

Edited By: Mr.Silver on Jun 19th 2013, 20:48:27
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