

Game Development

Jul 27th 2010, 4:55:29

So we're working on the ingame tutorial system and we want your help!

There are so many things to consider when making a good country, way more than we could think of by ourselves, so we want to open it up to the community to help us out thinking about some of this.
We're looking to figure out what are things that a new player should be told about how to properly run their country and what is the criteria for this?

For example -> if a player has a lot of unbuilt land, we want to alert the player that they need to build their land. If the player is playing as a monarchy, we want to alert the player that there are other government options.

So think back to when you were new to the game or think about what you feel would be beneficial to help new players get into the game and we'll see if we can get a pretty complete list of things that would good for the user to be given advice about!

Here are some categories and a few ideas to get started:
(I'll update the list as we go)

When taking a turn:
-Running out of food/cash
-Getting close to running out of food/cash
-Land being unbuilt
-Tax rate

-Government advice
-Tax advice

-Let the player know if they are vulnerable

-Unused land
-Letting people know "rainbow strats" don't work well
-How many CS's a player has


-Which tech to research (maybe based on market prices?)
-Lab ratio

-Alert about attack types
-Let you know reasons why you may have bounced attacks (if you bounced)





We're also going to have some congratulatory messages as well, so if you have thoughts on those, that'll be good as well. :) once we get a list of things we want to advise about setup, we can work out the logic for it

Thanks to everyone in advance for their input!


Edited By: Pangaea on Jul 27th 2010, 5:12:22
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Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

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