
Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 11th 2013, 6:41:18

Not necessarily Duna. The countries that are killed barely spent 200-300 turns each.

There are 1921 hits on 8 non-land killed countries with 88k civilians slaughtered.

This equates to 237 hits per kill, on countries that average to 11k pop each. This means the countries killed had about 1.4k acres, because each acre of land supports about 8 pop without res tech/buildings.

The kill runs averaged 54 seconds for 6 of the 8 countries that took shorter than 5 minutes to kill, so almost all 6 of them had nearly full pop-DR in effect.

The other 2 countries took "28 minutes" and "10 hours" (in quote to avoid being read as 10h 28m) to kill and took 215 averaged hits to kill an averaged 8.4k pop.

The earlier 237 averaged hits means it took about 553 turns to kill a country that has barely spent 200-300 turns in total. Although this is arguably less hits than it would take to FS a week later in the reset, economics wise, it wasn't worth it, because 3 days later, those killed countries would be back to where they were before.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Aug 11th 2013, 6:45:11
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