
Duna Game profile


Aug 11th 2013, 8:34:57

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
I'm saying it would probably have been better to wait 1 week more and then FS. Killing 10 countries then would be a bigger setback to SoF than killing 10 countries now.

As it is, all SoF has lost is 10 countries x 200 turns, compared to 10 countries x 700 turns next week.

But the problem is that in a week it would be max 3-7 countries (depends on how active target they pick).

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
It is all comparative, breaks and walling scale up with country growth, so comparing 10k breaks now with 100k breaks next week doesn't even make sense, because in the next week, all countries probably makes 10x as much goods anyway.

And thats again kinda wrong. After 700 turns its not hard to get 500K troops & 500K turrets. Lets be realistic and say nw will give about 10% extra to break. And as break always alot of oversend lets say you need 1M min total to break 500K. +10% = 1.1M. Also, lets say you make 100M/day (maybe a bit less, but i want round numbers). So, 100K extra troops is about 13M cash (+oil) and its about 15% daily production.
OOP production is about 5M/day. If break is 10K, than you need about 20K to break and hence 2K extra, wich is like 260K cash, wich is just 5% of daily production.
And the longer you wait, the more money will drain this change (and i have to say, the more will be nw difference and hence this 10% extra will be like 20-50% extra).

Edited By: Duna on Aug 11th 2013, 8:38:43
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