
locket Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 12:06:55

It is always hilarious to me when NukEvil shows up in these threads and points out the failings of all the alliances complaining about this stuff. Laf and Sof are big enough and bad enough to do what they want with the server until someone beats them.

Evo/Sol/Monsters made a big move this set and FSd Sof with Rival helping Sof. They were winning until Laf came in. Want to know who has no right to complain? Every single alliance who is not friends with Laf/Sof who sat it out. It just amazes me how little some alliances are adapting/thinking ahead.

Whichever clan you are from Riddler, you missed your chance to fight this set. Evo/Sol/Monsters are fighting a fight that obviously you should have been involved in. A pity you missed your chance. Now you'll have another chance a year or so from now. GL skipping it too.

Edited By: locket on Aug 25th 2013, 19:54:28
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