
Sov Game profile


Sep 9th 2013, 13:55:16

You mistake our attacks as crying when in fact all we are doing is highlighting your double standards.

You gangbang us OOP but then think that is okay because we'll call in an ally and then it will be even, nevermind the fact that SoF had a good chunk of restarts by that time. Then when LAF come in and present a similar disadvantage to you it is suddenly "cowardly". Well guess what, LAF hit you expecting your allies to come in as well, not our fault that did not work out for you... So stop crying about it.

You got mass FA to even things up but then tried to bend the truth and lie by using the excuse "oh but SoF got FA first" when we did not. As a result I told you we'd get FA in response to your bullcrap and I did not hide it, I posted it in plain sight on AT that we may as well get FA now due to your own actions... and within 36 hours the FA really started flowing so that strategy did not work out too well for you either.

You call it crying, maybe some people are... but maybe it is more about your stupid PR campaign to try and make yourselves feel good about your piss poor efforts.

You run a campaign of smear and dishonesty coupled with character assassination and expect us not to say anything back? Heh, good luck with that.

Edited By: Sov on Sep 9th 2013, 14:59:01
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