Sep 27th 2013, 17:49:50
Weeks after? But we have the alliance ops as early as August and one of PDM's own members told us! What's the use of lying? Moreover, the particular member said: "We were told to FA the countries damaged by Laf. we just did what we where told.", but the owner, and a few other PDMers, had pacts with SoL. LaF didn't FS Evo.
Do you deny that there was only a 10% difference in networth after LaF? Afaik, NONE of you guys have addressed that particular number. If you want to be taken serious, you should try addressing some of the points from the other side. You might as well I suspect mdevol has.
I love how you say "I'm not complaining about being gangbanged" but you go out of your way to 1) ask for FA because an 80 member alliance pushed you around and 2) point out said intervention every chance you get. If you guys didn't mind LaF's intervention, you would not have asked for FA.
We started "fluffing" about FA because the war was, for the most part, even after LaF leveled Evo. We turned the tide and your side started asking for FA. It becomes an issue when you guys are sending 200 turn restarts to break our top countries every other day. About a week later, we asked for FA.
Moreover, You forget that 120 members FSd a 75 member alliance, that's a 45 country advantage, for almost a week (about 5-6 days iirc). You are surprised you were ahead in hits with the FS and having hammered and killed an alliance with 45 less members for a week?
I guess by advantage or fair playing field you mean that you should have a massive advantage in networth. You did FS an alliance with 45 less members after all. The irony ofc is that your side loves poking at SoF for fighting "uneven wars". Time and time again when you guys get into even wars, and lose, you ask for FA.
Your side also finds it hard to believe that an alliance with more average land and better country builds can outgrow yours. Our countries were geared toward growth moreso than the average SoL country. Look at some of the status' of your allies Tellarion and compare them to similar SoF countries. Evo runs solid countries for the most part but SoL doesn't.
I know your responses will be the same as always right? Ignore and repeat.
SoF has two 'recent' 1v1 wars to back that up, and having outperformed every other alliance in their various 'coalition' wars (HPM, walling), I don't see why they wouldn't be considered #1, or #2 for those who think LaF is best of all. Recall that there aren't many alliances of the same size as SoF. If SoF did have a 1v1 with anyone but say MD (so SoF can go 100-0 against them), then it would be considered bullying. Is this the part where I ask you if Evo wants to try their hand?
Find me an alliance in "the other bloc" that has better target selection, strategy, walling, and activity per capita. You guys can't even use FA properly lol and you wonder why you always lose You had a better shot at beating us without the massive FA. As I said before, you guys don't think these things through. If you had, you would have realized opening the flood gates from LaF and RD would be your doom. This is just illustrative of the kinds of boneheaded moves you guys make during war.
Weeks after? But we have the alliance ops as early as August and one of PDM's own members told us! What's the use of lying? Moreover, the particular member said: "We were told to FA the countries damaged by Laf. we just did what we where told.", but the owner, and a few other PDMers, had pacts with SoL. LaF didn't FS Evo.
Do you deny that there was only a 10% difference in networth after LaF? Afaik, NONE of you guys have addressed that particular number. If you want to be taken serious, you should try addressing some of the points from the other side. You might as well I suspect mdevol has.
I love how you say "I'm not complaining about being gangbanged" but you go out of your way to 1) ask for FA because an 80 member alliance pushed you around and 2) point out said intervention every chance you get. If you guys didn't mind LaF's intervention, you would not have asked for FA.
We started "fluffing" about FA because the war was, for the most part, even after LaF leveled Evo. We turned the tide and your side started asking for FA. It becomes an issue when you guys are sending 200 turn restarts to break our top countries every other day. About a week later, we asked for FA.
Moreover, You forget that 120 members FSd a 75 member alliance, that's a 45 country advantage, for almost a week (about 5-6 days iirc). You are surprised you were ahead in hits with the FS and having hammered and killed an alliance with 45 less members for a week?
I guess by advantage or fair playing field you mean that you should have a massive advantage in networth. You did FS an alliance with 45 less members after all. The irony ofc is that your side loves poking at SoF for fighting "uneven wars". Time and time again when you guys get into even wars, and lose, you ask for FA.
Your side also finds it hard to believe that an alliance with more average land and better country builds can outgrow yours. Our countries were geared toward growth moreso than the average SoL country. Look at some of the status' of your allies Tellarion and compare them to similar SoF countries. Evo runs solid countries for the most part but SoL doesn't.
I know your responses will be the same as always right? Ignore and repeat.
SoF has two 'recent' 1v1 wars to back that up, and having outperformed every other alliance in their various 'coalition' wars (HPM, walling), I don't see why they wouldn't be considered #1, or #2 for those who think LaF is best of all. Recall that there aren't many alliances of the same size as SoF. If SoF did have a 1v1 with anyone but say MD (so SoF can go 100-0 against them), then it would be considered bullying. Is this the part where I ask you if Evo wants to try their hand?
Find me an alliance in "the other bloc" that has better target selection, strategy, walling, and activity per capita. You guys can't even use FA properly lol and you wonder why you always lose You had a better shot at beating us without the massive FA. As I said before, you guys don't think these things through. If you had, you would have realized opening the flood gates from LaF and RD would be your doom. This is just illustrative of the kinds of boneheaded moves you guys make during war.