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Oct 1st 2013, 15:09:28

Angel1, you are incorrect. Not just about whose fault the shutdown is, but in your beliefs if you claim to be a conservative.

If you claim to be someone who supports the constitution (and by extension, America), how can you believe that holding a law that was passed -- and affirmed by the supreme court -- just because you don't like it an OK thing to do? This debate isn't a negotiation point. This is funding the damn government to continue functioning.

I don't know wtf you're talking about re: "majority of americans". You're just pulling words out of your ass. The polling states that a MAJORITY of Americans WANT Oabamacare to go into effect as an incremental step toward a better healthcare system. A MAJORITY of Americans feel that this government shutdown isn't what they want. A MAJORITY of Americans feel that this is on the Republicans and not Obama or the Democrats. This was the polling as recently as last night when I watched both Canadian and American news on the topic.

If you want to talk about the last time an election was held, a majority of Americans voted for Barack Obama. A majority of Americans voted for Democratic senators. In the House, the Democrats gained seats. The Republicans lost and lost badly, mainly because of the kind of vitriol and obstructionism that they showed during Obama's first term.

So, to summarize:
a) Republicans lost the last election, which they claimed was a referendum on Obama and Obamacare. They lost seats in both chambers of congress and were trounced nationally by Obama. As John McCain said "there are consequences to losing elections" so you'd think it's time to stop being obstructionist.
b) The supreme court affirmed the law as constitutional, meaning that by not funding it, Republicans aren't as fond of following the constitution as they claim to be.
c) Republicans are basically becoming anarchist because of a small wing of their party, and the party seems fine with that.
d) Only one party holds the country hostage when it doesn't get it's way, and that party is the Republicans.

Anyway, thanks for making our crappy Canadian government look like a bunch of all-stars...

Edited By: Pang on Oct 1st 2013, 15:11:40
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