
Xinhuan Game profile


Oct 4th 2013, 7:42:29

Clarification: Regarding change #3. I had told qzjul that I didn't want population% to be multiplied into production directly, because this means both GSes and BRs are buffed together, and this means a BRed country has a double whammy - production loss from both population loss and building loss.

I suggested that GSes and EMs reduce a new variable called Productivity instead (this recovers to 100% slowly), and Productivity is multiplied into the production formulas instead of the announced min(1,max(0.2,pop/(maxpop*0.8))

BRs really don't need to be buffed further, which is probably what led to the CS nerf, which is really only useful if you are able to log on and wall in the first 100 hits of a KR.

1. GS
Losing 22% tech after 500 GS is awfully painful and makes walling much more difficult. Imagine you had 10m tech points and lose 2.2m of them after each failed run on your country. That is in fact more expensive than having ~28m of your troops killed.

10m tech points? I ran a 30k techer and no where at any point in time I ever had more than 4m tech points. You would have to be a 60k or larger techer to get that much tech points.

That being said, I think the rate of tech stealing needs to be lowered percentage-wise compared to the rate for stealing food/oil/money.

However, this DOES represent a significant buff to the GS attack type, and encoursging GS usage over the almost exclusive use of BR now is a good step.

2. BR
Halving CS damage from BR may sound like a lot, but say 400 BRs are done and then walled at the end, losing say 2% CS per hit vs 1% gives the following:
99%^200 = 1.8%
98%^200 = 0.03%
Either way the result would be close to no CS left.

I think the intent here is to be able to rebuild your country if you were able to wall quickly in the first half of the run. If you were to wall at the tail end of the kill run when the BRs are already at or very near min pop killed, it wouldn't matter either way.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Oct 4th 2013, 7:45:39
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