
Xinhuan Game profile


Oct 7th 2013, 16:00:29

Here's the answer, posted by qz 3 weeks ago. He also fixed a bug in that same thread with how it reports it.

Originally posted by qzjul:
<qzjul> the way it's reported is *supposed* to be
<qzjul> <Acres LOST by the Defender> (<Acres GAINED by the Attacker>)
<qzjul> <Buildings GAINED by the Attacker> (<Buildings LOST by the Defender>)
I'm not 100% sure that the 3rd (Buildings GAINED by the Attacker) is being reported entirely correctly for Type II Ghost Acres

PS: You can click on the "posted" word that is a link to jump to it.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Oct 7th 2013, 16:03:08
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