
Hammer Game profile


Oct 11th 2013, 3:52:57

I have only been around a few months and probably do not know enough to be talking, but in my opinion some of this is uncool.

I tech ally with RR almost every set but was not aware of the RoR and topfeeding, etc, since I do not watch his news. I think I have met enough people here for it to be known that I am not a multi. Plus, I suck at the game.

BUT, based on the comments above, it appears I should expect some blowback due to "guilty by association" since I ally with him. It seems in the threads above that is what is happening to ebert.

I ally with ebert, h20, st0ny, Learners Permit, and several others with more experience than I when I can because I want to learn how to play this game. It's not pre-arranged, as I saw on an older thread. It is "who is available" that is dependable.

Interestingly enough, I received an ingame message last set about how RR topfeeds, etc. I don't watch his news and do not use offensive allies. Therefore, I do not know these things. I tech and check to see that my tech allies are doing their part. Very rarely do I even talk to my allies.

The person who messaged me said he was attacking him because he RoR'd (that's fair enough) but then went on to say that RR didn't know how to play..used all his turns, spent his stock, never finished above $15 mil, he was also attacking to teach him a lesson. How does that teach someone how to play?

I do stupid stuff sometimes, too, but attacking me won't turn me into a top 10'ner. If it would, I would dump my defense.

So why am I saying all of this? Because I keep reading these accusations about people, whom you may know far better than I, but I ally with, so I know some of the things being said are inaccurate. Also because I do not want to see Express turn into FFA where people are attacked in the game and in the forum.

I found this place in May after being out of E2025 for over 10 years. We have a great community here in Express and I do not want to see it change.

Edited By: Hammer on Oct 11th 2013, 3:57:38
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