
Havoc Game profile


Apr 7th 2013, 21:37:08

If anyone didn't notice (don't really expect you to have) I disappeared from this game and stopped playing over a month ago, and have decided to throw in the towel. Not sure whether this retirement will be permanent or not, but for now it is. So please no longer contact me for earth/omega/FA related issues.

My life has been something of a mess of late, am in my last year of my undergrad at university, made more difficult by the fact that I haven't really been right in the head for the last little while, and have been to some pretty dark places. Almost admitted myself to a hospital even.. Anyway, the drama and politics in this game really aren't good for my stress levels and general wellbeing, which might say something about the current state of this game. It's been a nice break which has allowed me to take up other more productive and rewarding hobbies like writing and music playing/writing.

I've played this game for almost 13 years straight, starting when I was 9 and have had the pleasure of meeting and having engaging conversations with some fascinating and kind people. I've probably made more friends over those 13 years through this game than I did over that same time in real life. I like to think I've left a decent legacy behind this name (that MD Havoc can hopefully carry on:P), leading and playing in numerous respectable netting alliances in about every server, and consistently sitting near tops of overall leaderboards for all the netting categories (which Locket rudely pointed out that I've been slipping in..).

I hope this game can continue on with reasonable numbers into the future and you fluffs can maybe start to get along a little better and reduce the drama that contributed to me leaving, and maybe make this game a more enjoyable experience for everyone.

(for now)(maybe))


Edited By: Havoc on Oct 20th 2013, 3:57:08
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