
Alin Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 9:12:13

Took me 1 hour to read all this nonsense and troll. And this is just when i started to get a better impresion about RD due to fact that a couple of people i know and respect play there ( braden,locket ... erhm CX ? ).

I`ll try to be short:

1. Please fluffing LEAVE the game if you consider this mass delete not to be fair taking also into account what RD stands for in this game history.

JUST GET THE fluff OUT OF HERE - I and other players like me, will really enjoy playing in a healthier place.

2. My computer knowledge stops just a little above formating a PC, reinstalling windows, games. I am sure that more than 90% of players in this game are = or < than me. I am now worried about my personal fluff. I am logging in from : Home/2Phones/Lap/FriendsLap/GfFriend Home/ and i don`t fluffing want some sort of Hackers wannabe messing around with my private info. IF you really "GOT IT" Go fluffing make a $ and/or break NASA or CIA.Not this game where most of us play for our comunity friends/fun and old days shake.

If you still think deleting mass RD is not right - fluffing leave. If i was pang i will never allow a RD tag in the future sets too.

3. My name raised 3 or 4 times in this thread. I understood someone hacked or used a proxy from Romania.

I can assure all my "friends"(like the ones calling me cheater) that, in this game, i am a top 10 earth2025/EE clean and devoted player.

Pang&Qz&martian please take same action in the future if this occures again. I agree to be myself deleted if my alliance leaders will be found hacking the game / or any private info. I`ll probably stop playing the game anyway, if an alliance leader will make a fool out of me, making me wasting time under his lead and do stuff like that.

P.S: New signature : One day i woke up to find RD go pufff!

P.S2: I really must ask this question - you going to protect those one too SOF? Maybe that cheating trio need a home alliance after all this fluff. You just fluffing collected all the cheating advantages in the last 2 years- and i am pretty much sure one or more of your leaders will be soon caught cheating too. That`s because you were fluff-tied to hanlong/TC/and now RD.

Your Sincerly

Edited By: Alin on Oct 30th 2013, 9:16:09
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