
Makinso Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 14:58:47

Dear EE community.

As of last night it was made clear to the EE community that certain RDers have made a security breach into boxcar for various reasons.

The sons of liberty are going to post 1 official statement about how we feel and look upon what has gone down in the past 12 - 24 hours and how we look at the future. This is our one and only official response. Other SOLers can or might respond but if you wish to see our official ideas about this we strongly advise you back to this post.

We will address all points individually.

1) The boxcar break in:

To whomever did this your presence is no longer wanted. A precedent was set when hanlong and TC did their thing. The community was disgusted with what was done. The Game's admins took actions and we supported that. The fact the specific RDers involved just went along the same lines for personal gain shows how much disrespect they have for this community as a group. Therefore the Sons of Liberty feel the involved RDers should no longer be welcome to any EE tag or any EE game.

2) Forms of Guilt.

By all means we feel that if someone was involved in this scheme you should be banned from this game permanently. We realize ban evasions will happen so be it. It's about the statement.

When it comes to involvement we feel most forms of involvement make you guilty. Knowing about it but not talking, participating in break ins, logging into accounts of which information was stolen, et cetera, by our standards make you guilty as charged.

3) The floating excel sheet with personal information and stealing of personal information in general.

This should be removed from the web as soon as possible. Whether this is an RD retrieved list or not, this list was ill gotten gained and it should not be out there.

As to the subject of stolen personal information... yes, when you sign that information up to a gaming website it possibly might leak, this does not mean this makes that action legal or morally okay by any means. Those who retrieve this information in any other way then by permission of the owner should be punished. Do no shift the blame from the attackers to those who were attacked.

4) The logging into other accounts.

With SOL being on GHQ, hardly any accounts were compromised. However, looking at the IPs we're very sure my own (makinso) account was compromised by the Romanian IP in the last 7 - 8 days as we've spotted 2 log ins. Further research is being done by GHQ admins. We hope we can find no more instances.

Other accounts in boxcar have been compromised as well. The illegally retrieved information has been used and abused by those specific RDers. Once again they should be severely punished

5) Admin reprimands for RD.

We deem the admins actions as correct and fair. This does not mean we do not feel the pain of the RD members who were unaware of the situation / being legit players. We understand the pain and anger.

We do however feel your admin targeted anger is misplaced. The participating RDers in this illegal scheme have brought you into a position where you risked running into the admins taking radical courses of action. They lied to you, basically cheated you and had you play for them under false pretenses. This should be deemed unacceptable and deserving of your targeted anger.

Your current admin targeted anger only causes more feelings of mistrust as it is looked upon as scurrying away from what has happened ,trying to cloud the given judgement or trying to protect your own. These actions would be considered dishonorable and even worse in our eyes would make you an accomplice, just as guilty as since you would be embracing what has been done while it should be rejected.

6) Sons of Liberty look upon the future and RD.

Talking to RD we realize that there is a group who feels betrayed, back stabbed and mangled. As you should! What has been done to you by your brothers is unforgivable.

What the future holds is hard to tell. It falls or stands with what RD is going to do now. How is RD going to respond officially (instead of this banter we're seeing on AT atm)? Who is going to lead RD and under what circumstances? Will there be an RD at all or for example a spin off under complete new management with the legit group of players? Answers to these questions will determine the future of RD as a tag and an alliance.

Long story short, RD it is upon you to undo what your brothers have bestowed upon you.


Admins: good catch and good job.

RD: best of luck trying to figure out what to do... you're in a tough spot.

-The Sons of Liberty Alliance.

Edited By: Makinso on Oct 30th 2013, 15:01:38
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