
Alin Game profile


Nov 3rd 2013, 23:06:26

Mr. Silver
Oct 30, 2013 3:10 PM

1. Get the seperate website figured out.. deathrider's might be easiest to transition to and quickest.

2. tell members to restart. in inbox msgs and to emails, as there are likely a number having difficulty getting in site and reading the crap on the AT board.

3. start going for cuddle-lover image. Someone who's well loved should get some sort of post of FR even if just for the short term. Braden or someone like that would be perfect, if they don't have time to do it permanently, just do it for the short term.

4. just blame me and copper. don't go into details, nobody knows anything (hell i don't even know what 99.9% of the stuff is)

5. don't post on the AT about it. let the others go on rants.

6. Restarting members should restarting in Rival so they can help them and SoF. Rival is likely the best place as their IRC matches ours and such and if we ship them off to SoF we might lose them as members.

7. focus the alliance as it's us vs the world. It's what LaF did and it worked. I was very honest in my post to them, if they have further questions ship them my way. If you see someone being a cancer among them.. give them a piece of your mind, but do it privately not publicly.

Read no. 3 blid.
braden is just the tool of those obsessed cheaters. Alcohol? yea sure. Manipulation pal ... manipulation. Next day after Rd was deleted this exemplar was all over the places applying RD "spin strategy".

Edited By: Alin on Nov 3rd 2013, 23:08:51
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