
Alin Game profile


Nov 4th 2013, 13:09:10

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by Alin:
And Sof - don`t forget to outpost RD there next set! haha

Iscode you fool! Now show me your real face ...

the screen shots look real to me and Mr Vanilla is definitely Sov, you can tell from his posts its his writing.

However every fdp should give access to heads of alliances to ensure things run smoothly, its one of the things i campaigned for when i lead imag and requested from our fdps. What you are seeing is one fdp reaching out to another in there time of need.

Do i agree with it? no. Will i put forward my opinion saying i dont agree with it in Sof? yes. Will i quit sof because of this? no.

What i will do is continue to voice my opinion and speak out against what i think is wrong about sof and do my part to steer it in the direction i feel we should go like any good leader should.

Also where else would i play?

MD? not a chance, there leaders are not as bad as cheats but only one step lower, they are liars and backstabbers and treat there allies like fluff on the bottom of there shoe, if eug stays don and they stay fdp'd with md i see md backstabbing sol in the future, i told you so first here.

Sol? not while makinso is there.

Laf? oh hell no i kill fluff...

rival? well i dont think they would have me in the first place lol.

not many other alliances that i would like to go to that war nearly every set, so i will stick it out in sof and try an push it in what i feel is the right direction, i probably wont succeed but it wont stop me from trying.

on a side note, its a fluffing small i, capital S, iScode. The i is like a tag, say like bu. I dont understand why people cant get this fluffing correct.

I`ll be short because i am really out of trolling mood | - * |

Sofs leaders are doing more than just reaching a FDP. They are kinda part of RD, and the only difference btw 2025 and EE is they ran only one country, in Sof. IsCode knows that, but somehow you don`t wanna admit it.

Regarding MD leaders : i strongly disagree. First of all, MD leaders change very offen. The episode for which you make those statements : different leaders. Furthermore, you can not blame those (DIFFERENT) leaders for not trusting to much of you, because you were closer friend with Sov than you were to MD
(present time and your position is more proof for my statement).

Edited By: Alin on Nov 4th 2013, 13:14:39
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