Dec 3rd 2013, 21:58:09
Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
Xinhuan, I understand where you're coming from there, but in the example you cited, all of the people involved (with perhaps the exception of player P getting farmed) chose to go to war. Nobody can force anyone on this server to go to war if they don't want to, thanks to the way GDI works here. That's IMO one of the positive aspects of how GDI works on this server.
Not quite. What if A-B-C has a larger group of friends/allies (say they had A-B-C-....G-H) than the P-Q-R group? It would simply devolve down to clan wars without an official clan tag. Sure, country R could choose not to get involved, so the A-H group can now just terrorize the server if there is no larger group of players willing to involve themselves. Sounds like Alliance? Clan X farms Clan Y, other clans don't want to help Y? Betcha.
Allowing allies to help would dilute the solo-play feature of Primary, and devolve down to clan-play.