
pele Game profile


Dec 8th 2013, 8:51:22


TIE has a system where we nominate and vote for who to be the TIE Commander

Lat set and for this set, Sigma has been choocen to be TIE Commander.
Though we do this voting abit in advance so that the commander can get his group of leaders in place and pick a direction for TIE.

Unfortunaly Sigma is unable to play atm (hopefully he can be back here soon again!)

Due to this, I as VP is temporarly in charge of TIE. I have started a new voting as to who should lead TIE.

Until we announce who is to be the commander and what his crew will be you can conntact either me, DFA (HFA) or AlphaWarriror (aFA) if there is anything.

Honor to TIE and good luck to al in this new set!