
Xinhuan Game profile


Dec 14th 2013, 17:34:38

DR camping is a pretty lame "skill". I mean, yeah, it still takes a bit of skill to figure out when DR tiers exit, sync up clocks, computer clock, in game clock, or whatever clock, maybe even setup alarms or notifications, and having the willpower to actually adhere to it. And then there's the part about actually hitting it on the second, and practicing it enough times to account for ping differences.

But what I dislike is that sometimes, you really just get a lucky break, and catch a 1a suicider in progress, boom you get 3-5k free land, that you don't even have to worry about it warring you back after farming it. That's not skill. That's just being lucky. Catching someone selling 300m bushels at $35 isn't skill either. Most people know how to catch $35 food, its just whether you are lucky enough to catch the big batches.

There are plenty of things about Primary that are far more challenging than in 1a. In 1a, the hardest thing is really camping for land and little else. And the market in Primary, omg. It is literally a different market every reset.