
Xinhuan Game profile


Dec 16th 2013, 18:22:32

Originally posted by Skulls of Dominion:
Truth is i like it this fast, i use the server to learn how to play my strats better. With the fast pace it makes it easier to understand and to change parts that need to be changed.

Also if i remember from back in the day of earth2025 didnt express start with the idea that it sould be a place like what i use it for. Also to test new rules that they wanted to implement in all servers.

So im just asking if you are making major changes just keep what i said in mind and try not to change how fast the game is, since thats the key on why i use express. Thanks :-)

Unfortunately, the playstyle in Express is extremely different from other servers, precisely because it is so fast. The tech starts and all might be the same, but the way you grab (the potential for retals is different when grabbing a late-start country that is turn storing), the way you stock (explained next sentence), etc are very different compared to other servers. Because the top finishing NWs are only about 30m NW, you can literally just stock all that cash (and eat a little bit of corruption) with very little buying of food on the market if food is high priced. You simply can't do this very well on other servers.

Because one is also able to play extremely delayed on 360(360), a late-start strategy can optimize on cheaper tech versus a early start strategy that tries to grow quickly and stay ahead (spending turns constantly) and out-run retals. No other server can you do this, and store up to 40% of the entire reset of turns.

Being able to do well on Express does not translate to other servers too much. Furthermore, precisely because the server is so fast-paced, many people just use it a merely a testing-ground for a 200-turn startup without much wait time, and abandon the country after that, so the number of actual players on the server is inflated slightly if only going by country count.

For a newer player, I understand that being able to just try out a strat for a week and call it a reset is great and all, but for the really competitive players in the top 10-20, all the recent posts and accusations and stuff about cheating, market coordination, DR abuse, and all that, it really is quite a flop of a server, one that is facilitated by the extreme pace that is really quite broken and very hard to police.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Dec 16th 2013, 18:25:40
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