
RandyMD Game profile


Jan 6th 2014, 4:52:30

I first off want to say, I enjoy the fact that you guys/gals are trying to improve the game by making changes. I love that part of this, but these changes you've made to warring are completely stupid. While you've had the best intentions doing the changes, they've really made war SUCK. I hope you've seen how things are going between this current MD/SOL 'vs' SOF war and can see that the changes have HUGELY impacted how wars are fought and how the "win" conditions of a war are going to change from what we've previously known. It's now not as important to get a tagkill as it is to level them and limit their growth, keeping them stagant.

Now my questions are:

1) Have the changes that you've made delivered the results you were trying to achieve? (As in making a FS weaker or w/e your goal was)
2) Do you have intentions of making changes next set? If so, do you plan on returning things to the way they were, or just improving on the current changes?
3) What do you now classify as a win or a loss in a war, where killing is underpowered, and leveling is overpowered?
4) When you guys are making changes to the game, how do you determine what you will change? Are you taking advice from players, or just making them based off your game play or what you see happening?

With this being said, These are ONLY personal opinions. I'm sure others have their own opinions of things and what they think. That's expected as none of us are the same. Please don't turn this thread into something stupid by being a dumb fluff and trolling it. Be serious, express your opinion on the changes, and let your voice be heard.


Edited By: Patience on Jan 7th 2014, 17:31:57. Reason: Added context to topic
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Skype: randybumd