
euglaf Game profile


Feb 16th 2014, 22:01:02

do they appear every time you force yourself not to sleep?

do they appear EVERY time you catch a cold? what is a cold to you? what are the cold symptoms that you have in common every time they do appear?

i dont think id say you have an allergy to a medication, but it definitely sounds like an allergic reaction based on your symptoms you've described (if you're more descriptive it could become easier to figure out).

the fact that it manifests at a different location is interesting. its possible, if you hve an immune reaction, you are activating mast cells somehow. how you would be doing it im uncertain. could be something in your body is normally surpressed, but stress (fatigue) can allow it to come out which activates other parts of immunity.

heat is further in medical training than i am so he may have a better idea.

Edited By: euglaf on Feb 16th 2014, 22:03:15
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