
mrford Game profile


Mar 11th 2014, 21:35:25

Originally posted by Boltar:
in todays world.. nothing or no one disappears unless they or someone else wants them too.. quite simple.. too many nosey people and or people with social media to post things.. secrets arent kept anymore either unless theres alot of money being exchanged

false. in 2007 and 2009 flights disappeared and in one case it took 2 YEARS for the wreckage to be found.

people seem to live in this interactive world where they forget how large the real world actually is.

right now they are using 100 ships and aircraft to search a 100 mile radius. a search area with a 100 mile radius is 31,416 SQUARE MILES. the total surface area of the worlds oceans is something like 140 MILLION square miles. if a plane goes down in an area where there arnt prominent shipping lanes or aircraft alleys, then it is extremely hard to find, especially if contact is lost at cruising altitude and the plane has to fall 8 miles before it hits anything.

Most modern civilian aircraft dont beam their exact location and vital systems information to ground controllers constantly, it is just stored on the infamous black box. the technology to do this is around, but most airline companies find it to be nither cost effective or needed. In addition "hacking" a modern aircraft is all but impossible due to the built in redundancies and presence of PILOTS in the fluffpit.

I find it amazing how advanced people think our world is. It is still a VERY big place. Until anything more is known, the plane disappeared. any speculation after that is just reckless.

Edited By: mrford on Mar 11th 2014, 21:46:27
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Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford