


Feb 11th 2011, 13:39:07

Dark Shi
Jan 30th, 2004 11:24
I am Dark Shi formerly of the FFA alliance Soldiers Of The Apocalypse®

I have been a member of more alliances than I have been a leader. I lead the alliances the Army Of Darkness (AoD), the Angels Of Destruction (AOD), The New Age Of Apocalypse (TNAOA), the New Age Troopers of Armageddon w/Dawn of Oblivion (NATADO... dun ask, merger...), and inevitably Soldiers Of The Apocalypse®.

I wasn't the greatest leader and every time the alliance wasn't engaging in land trading between the some of the larger alliances I lead SOTA to a dozen or so Top 25's mainly in Total and Average networth with anywhere from 60 to 200+ countries a set.

I started Free For All playing in IMP (which was one of the better alliances at the time) and grew to become a well known player under several names... after leaving that alliance due to an explosive argument with one of the leaders I left them and joined the break-away alliance of ARMYxIMP/SWATxIMP which later became USIMP...

After I spent some time in USIMP I left because USIMP joined TC, and joined ChaosFog. ChaosFog became DWAR, VxFATALx and DKnights... and I joined Dknights and helped them kick IMP's ass eventually leading to the collapse of Dknights.

After the fall of Dknights I gathered some friends and formed the Army Of Darkness (AOD) named after my former 1A alliance (DarkArmy) years back, later on AOD and ICD got into a huge war of which I know AOD lost but hurt ICD badly. At the end of that set I disbanded AOD and joined the Earth Fear Alliance (EFA) which eventually merged with the Swords Of Justice (SworDS) and became Earth's Swords of Justice (ESworDs). I eventually left after that merger because ESworDs joined TC becoming SworDxTC.

After a bit I fooled arount a bit and joined an alliance a friend of mine Bloodstone Satan founded, the Formed Killers of Doom (FKD), later on FKD merged with some other alliances (primarily Red Alert and Might) and became Red Alert! Killers of Might (RAKM) and I became a member there, and stayed with RAKM until King Wilson touched off the massive FFA vs RAKM war bringing the fall of RAKM.

Later on I started a small alliance tagged xSOVIETx which eventually merged into MPoE/MPExTC. I stayed with MPExTC until a small incident forced me to leave and I started TNAOA which later merged with the Troopers of Armageddon (ToA) and the Dawn of Oblivion (xDOx) to form NATADO. I messed around and created the Soldiers Of The Apocalypse (SOTA) tag (which in all reality was intended to be the new name of NATADO as the name and acronym was too fluffing long) one night on September 29, 2000 and wiped out half of UPA after losing one of my netgainers and later the alliance was nearly annihilated my MPExTC. Afterwards I merged the remainders of the alliance into SworDxTC.

After joining SworDxTC I stayed with them seven months before leaving and joining the Dragons Of Light (xDOLx) which eventually merged with the Leaders of Earth United (LEU) to become the Dragons United w/Earth Leaders. I stayed with them until another incident forced my departure and I formed the alliance the Soldiers Of The Apocalypse® the next day on April 19, 2001.

I have led the SOTA® alliance off and on since then, the alliance has fluctuated in rankings from being a Top 25 alliance to being below the rankings period. At one point in time the alliance boasted 674 countries and 39 members and on the last day of the game (January 11, 2004) the alliance had 16 members and zero countries.

I eventually carried the alliance over to the Elite Soldier game of Free For All in the hopes that the Soldiers Of The Apocalypse® alliance can begin a new era in a game with the necessary environment the alliance can truely grow in.

~Ryuko M. Kotani a.k.a. Dark Shi, leader of the former Earth: 2025 Free For Alliance 'the Soldiers Of The Apocalypse®'... Leader of the SOTA® alliance in Elite Soldier: Free For All.

Edited By: NightShade on Mar 15th 2014, 6:46:53
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SOTA President

a.k.a. Stryke
Originally posted by Bsnake:
I was sitting there wondering how many I could kill with one set of chopsticks