
Xinhuan Game profile


Mar 17th 2014, 19:16:37

Yes, the formula is correct. Essentially, you want to buy the thing that costs the lowest $/NW (dollar cost per networth) if the goal is to maximize Networth. In your private market, this is always Troops, Tanks, Jets, Turrets in that order.

The average destocking private market is $262/NW for most governments, $255/NW for Democracies, and $222 for Theos, assuming a country with 0 Military Bases built (and that you are buying out all 4 units) and assuming maxed out Military tech.

In your example, the troops are $200/NW, the jets are $225/NW and the tanks are $240/NW, in the absence of any commissions.

Keep in mind that if you have to run turns still, the $/NW is actually increased by the cumulative upkeep cost of supporting that unit for the remainder of your turns you intend to run. So if you have to run another 400 turns after buying a unit before the reset ends, then add 400 turns of food and money upkeep of that unit to its "purchase cost" to determine its real $/NW.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Mar 17th 2014, 19:20:54
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