
hsifreta Game profile


Mar 31st 2014, 4:22:46

i wont be happy if an all jetter hit me, but i'd farm the fluff out of him, cuz he has no defence. then id buy up more def and get out of range. but given that the game allows it, and there's no spirit of the server thing here, i'd say kudos to retals when they can get them, and expect grabs and topfeeds no matter how you play. if you dont get them, then you're lucky, if you do often, then maybe it's time to change either your country name or your playing style. it's part of the game.

if you play anonymously, and have adequate def, people will tend to topfeed those who have less, so that they can topfeed more often. given that i had 5 retals to take this set, i didnt hit the ones that had over 10m turrets, but i did farm h2o quite a bit cuz he only had 6m turrets. gaining land quickly is also a way to catch up on the game too, esp if you can pull in big ass retals. naturally last hour retals are very stupid, but if i'm netting seriously, i'd even take retals up to 12 hours from the end, depending on how many turns you have stored, the price of oil and units, and how much def you have.

though i wouldnt topfeed except for the first few days, because single tap bottomfeeding is necessary for getting into top 10.

however bottomfeeding routine is boring, and sometimes its just fun to seek thrills in either warring or grabbing people that can retal. i grab and hit lots of people when im bored, it usually starts a conversation, and it's a lot more entertaining than not. i promise you that if i hit you heaps of time, it's not personal. it's just how i play sometimes =P

Edited By: hsifreta on Mar 31st 2014, 4:25:37
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