
The Cloaked Game profile


Apr 13th 2014, 6:33:57

the highest province(NS) actually has a min wage of 10.40 I think, though ontario goes up to 11 this summer. Alberta has the lowest at 9.95.

Unlike the US, servers don't get screwed too hard. I think the lowest a server can make anywhere is around $9/hour and even that is changing.

Some additional curious info I learned while googling this:

-About 2.4% of employees in western canada earn minimum wage overall
-about 5.8% of employees in canada overall earn minimum wage overall

to compare that actually means Canadians are more likely to work at minimum wage then americans. Though about 60% of canadian minimum wage earners are under 25 whereas half of american min wage earners are under 25. That leaves the numbers over 25 basically the same.

also these percentages do exaggerate the numbers. Offhand I think less then half workforce are paid hourly at all.

Edited By: The Cloaked on Apr 13th 2014, 6:47:22
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