
Twiz Game profile


Apr 25th 2014, 18:51:55

Originally posted by Donny:
THERES the most gloriest rainbow ever!



Better listen to your owner mutt :)

Originally posted by mdevol:
I said this war was far from over because I knew what was coming today, dumbass....

had this not happened, you guys, because of a devastating FS (yes that did happen) would have likely rolled us. mostly in part to Colo wasting his countries breaking us while you sat on stockpiles of cash and tech and let him do it.

this makes things a little more interesting.

i am not justifying or making my case. it is simple: we got hit, we were losing badly, (to which you guys made very clear above in this thread) so we called in 1 string
I don't see the big deal.

is it likely going to change the outcome of the war? I don't know, but it will make it more interesting that's for sure.

So you planned on having this string in hiding? I see.

Why do we want a "interesting" war with CC?

Edited By: Twiz on Apr 25th 2014, 18:53:55
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