May 6th 2014, 22:22:42
So the fact that nobody gets paid gives them free reign to do a bad job and absolve them from any criticism whatsoever?
EDIT: For what little it may be worth, by an large the developers, administrators, moderators, and anyone else associated with this game do a very good job. That does not stop me from being critical on the rare occasions where they miss the mark. If anything, it makes me hold them to higher standards.
EDIT: For what little it may be worth, by an large the developers, administrators, moderators, and anyone else associated with this game do a very good job. That does not stop me from being critical on the rare occasions where they miss the mark. If anything, it makes me hold them to higher standards.
Edited By: Viceroy on May 6th 2014, 22:34:09. Reason: Because I Don't Want To Sound Like A Complete Dick
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And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.