
KeTcHuP Game profile


May 7th 2014, 4:30:11

Game Profile for Cerberus on the Free For All Server
Best Finish: 405th
Leaderboard Rankings
Leaderboard Score Rank
Networth $384,150,516 #326
Land 398,276 #338
Top 100 Unranked N/A
Top 10 Unranked N/A
Best 3 $29,553,609 #340
Attack Success 96.86% #248
Kills 27 #255
Deaths 325 #27
Pop Killed 6,091,281 #164
Attacks 11,167 #211
Missiles 3147 #82
Defends 83,568 #30

Who exactly is it that sucks at this game? Best 3 of under 30m. Thats PATHETIC

Edited By: KeTcHuP on May 7th 2014, 4:33:17
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Ketchup the Thoughtful Suicidier