
Xinhuan Game profile


May 20th 2014, 18:16:42

On Express, it's kind of "ok" only because land values don't go up as high as they do on Primary. 10k techer, vs 35k techer. You will REALLY notice the exponential extra building costs later. It's just not worth it. I guess it might be ok initially, I don't want to do the math lol.

Originally posted by deezyboy:
i did notice the building costs my first round bck and thought myself it was pretty easy to deal with by just not grabbing until ive ran my turns and then waiting for a possible retal. i also stock kind of before the grab so i can beef uo my defense right after the grab.

This again is another inefficiency, because this means your turns spent teching are a day delayed. Or rather, they aren't teching at their max potential. Or in other words, if you're on 8k land now, you tech, THEN grab and build, then wait for retal, you spent your income turns on 8k land while ending the day at 9k.

But if you grabbed to 9k, built, then teched, you essentially earned maybe 8-10% more income since you teched on more labs. The ordering of turns is important.

The point I'm trying to make is that getting retalled is bad, and right now, the strategy is "working" only because there are commies with more land than you. Once those targets run out, and you grab ones with slightly less land than you, the retal will hurt worse than the actual grab, and you'll actually lose land on the retal. Based on all this, it is easy to see that "grabbing up" only "works" when you are in a "behind" situation, a situation you don't want to be in, but overall, it is still less efficient than grabbing down 1/4-1/3 your size.

Commies by default SHOULD be on top right now, if a commie isn't in the top 20 right now, then it isn't going to finish t10 in the final week, that's how the market works, reset starting with high military prices means they grow faster at the start, and only at the start, so commies have to make it count at the start.

And note if you grab anyone in the top 10 twice (can be once now, and once a month later), in most likelihood, that country will AB you to the ground in response and neither of you finish top 10.

Edited By: Xinhuan on May 20th 2014, 18:22:37
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