
Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

May 24th 2014, 2:35:36

Trife, you're a douchebag in both sides of any story, you know that?

The main problem is that the lawyers have coopted the government to work for the lawyers, not the people.

Every stinkin' politician is a lawyer. When we end the professional politician class of lawyers running the freaking government things will get better.

In the beginning, elected representatives represented a cross-section of American professions, farmers, carpenters, businessmen, plumbers, doctors, teachers, laborers, etc. Now, they are ALL lawyers and have learned through various schools of thought the BEST way to lie and keep getting elected, nothing more. Most of them aren't there to do anything for the people, they are there for the power, influence, bribes and paycheck/benefits.

If the elected representatives had to go to the VA for healthcare, fluff would get fixed pretty damn quickly. As it is now, they couldn't care less with their premium highly expensive healthcare system that is set up just for them, along with being able to vote yourself a raise, and grade your own accomplishments.

The two party system is a big part of the problem too. They become best buddies once a third party candidate is threatening to make it onto the ballot, and suddenly they are both filing suits to keep them off.

What more would you like to see to prove that this is how it is screwing us day in and day out?

Trife and people like him are the major reason behind the failure of the representative form of government that we have. Too lazy to look into things themselves, as evidenced by his failure to actually read the link KoH posted, and just start running his mouth with ZERO information to hand. He Votes the same way and the liberals know it, thus he is one of their golden boys, while I am probably in the Main Core database several dozen times. Because I pay attention to the stupid goings on on capitol hill, and am willing to call a liar a liar, and I don't give a fluff if he calls me a racist in return. The proof is in the actions, not the words.

I am sorry that I volunteered to serve this country when there are so many imbeciles and morons that really didn't deserve to have me do that who are running loose in this country trying to VOTE away MY LIBERTY, after I FOUGHT for theirs.

fluff YA'LL

Edited By: Cerberus on May 24th 2014, 2:37:52. Reason: typo
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I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!