


Jun 5th 2014, 16:16:27

You may be hosed.
You don't use air compressors for several reasons. They are too powerful. Even draining the tank or new, they still have moisture. They will blow said moisture into places that may not evaporate quickly.

You may have done a few things and there are some fixes if you have the tools.
You may have cracked a solder joint either in the process of taking off the heatsink or blowing the air. Very hard to impossible to see but you maybe able to trace it some by the lack of POST. The fix is take a hot air reflow station to it.

Broke loose a component, same fix as solder joint only add tweezers, and much easier to see. You can also use a soldering iron but you better be good at it or you will burn out other components.

Moisture added and shorted something or corrosion has began, hard to impossible to see, and the fix sucks.. To fix it you remove your components from the board and break it over your knee throw it on the ground and cuss at it for no less than 5 minutes and throw it in the garbage.

Now some will call me out for handing you a myth but I have seen too many times. As bstrong said, the dust was holding it together. For what ever reason sometimes a computer just needs it's dust to continue working. No clue why. I have heard every explanation from it was keeping some failing part at a temperature high enough it could still function to it was allowing conductivity for a broken trace or via. The fix is like the moisture, I recommend an additional few minutes of swearing and add muttering.

I will add that if it's moisture, it may just start working on it's own. Mine and my wife's laptops both have been exposed to water and started to work again. Her's she dumped a cup of hot water on, I was sure it was dead it was on at the time and powered off. It took a week of sitting but it came back and only a few things didn't work on it. So there is hope. So long as salt isn't introduced you have a chance to get more time out of it.

Edited By: Symac on Jun 5th 2014, 16:21:19
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