
Xinhuan Game profile


Jun 26th 2014, 15:58:20

4. My example wasn't the best example though. Because to achieve +10% more production on 120% tech is actually 132% tech (that is, 120% + 12%), not 122% as stated. My mistake.

It assumed that the same amount of money could get you either 1% more land or 1% more tech, this isn't usually the case. In any case, you almost always want to strike a balancing between growing your land size and your tech %, because tech has diminishing returns, but grabbing becomes exponentially more expensive as well as you grow larger (targets have more turrets, oil gets more expensive, military upkeep costs are also non-linear, etc).

5. Yes, you correctly multiply by 0.94 for selling, and multiply by 1.06 for buying.

The thing about only reselling max 1/4 is what we call an "investment". If you wished to resell 1m units a day, that means you have to invest in a having permanent base of 3m units first (which will invariably also eat upkeep and reduce any actual profit). Generally, only food is worth reselling, and usually only for a techer after you have started stocking in week 5 onwards of a 60 day reset. Other strategies are still grabbing/growing and the cash is better spent on grabbing more land and buying more tech.

On clan servers, finishing NWs are high enough that at some point in the last few days of the reset, you invariably reach a point you don't want to spend any more turns because the upkeep is higher than any production you can make fro your country that same turn. Only then, is reselling units worth it, because unit prices will only go up from that point onwards (and the profits must be larger than the 1 turn of upkeep).

There is an entire technique called "End of Reset resell" which utilizes on reselling the private market into the public market by logging out a large number of days to accumulate units in it. If you're confused, pretend you didn't hear it, it is advanced, and won't matter unless you're vying for a top 10 spot.

7. It's generally regarded that you should be 95%-100% of your target's Networth to maximize returns on any attack type (it's a Gaussian bell curve). However, it is also almost guaranteed that someone your size will also be able to retal you easily, so for solo servers, it is better to just bottomfeed and keep the land. Gains (and stuff destroyed) are always a percentage of the target's stuff, so obviously attacking a larger country in acres over a smaller country in acres, but both having the same NW would give you more land.

8. Oversending doesn't get you any more or less returns. Since the start of this reset, the most recent announcement has removed the NW difference penalty from the game (except Primary server, still running on previous reset rules), so we're back to always losing exactly 8% of the army sent on any attack. Oversend more than 110% if you want, you just lose more jets and oil, but don't undersend.

Maximizing Ghost acres is another whole complication, since Ghost DR is compounded on all attacks taken by the target over the last 7 days (or 3 days on Express) and is not reduced attacks that country make, AND is affected by the % of acres that are built on the target. And then there is Country-to-Country reset-long DR added on top of that.

9. Regarding GDI

GDI works differently on solo servers.

Clan servers and Tournament server use GDI version A.
Primary and Express use GDI variant B.

Version A: Joining GDI, cannot have attacked last 18 hours. Countries in GDI cannot be attacked or attack countries that are more than twice, or less than half your NW. (Special attacks and harmful ops are allowed if in the 0.5-2x NW range.) That is, GDI is just a NW restriction. Declare War (an attack type on the War Page) can be used to ignore GDI on a target. You can leave GDI after a minimum duration.

For Tournament server, GDI is forced on all players; new countries start in GDI.

Version B: GDI does not restrict or change NW attack ranges in any way, unlike that of version A. Instead, GDI prevents other countries from using harmful spyops, and/or non-SS non-PS attacks on you, unless you have attacked them at least twice in the reset. That is, GDI is suicide protection. Once you perform a second attack (of any type) on the same country, that country (and only that country) can use any attack type on you, other than the default SS/PS. This is assymetric, you can't use any attack you want on him until he has also done at least 2 attacks on you in total, so the player that is on the receiving end of 2 attacks is said to have "first strike" initiative.

You must join GDI before attacking anyone in any way, or be disallowed permanently from joining GDI. After joining GDI, you may not leave it.

The Declare War attack type does not exist on Primary/Express.