
Sov Game profile


Jun 26th 2014, 17:04:35

Originally posted by mdevol:
We came to the table and we pacted you guys. Something that you didn't do while you were working to isolate us and MD with your powerblock

If you believe that I was FDPed to SOL, recruited for SOL (yes personally recruited for SOL), helped SOL even up it's arranged war with Rival by sending 3 of my Heads (including Helmet himself!) to fight for SOL, helped SOL restructure itself internally, posted strategic and IA information and protected SOL... all because I was trying to isolate you from MD then you are seriously nothing short of retarded.

I helped SOL rebuild because I believed SOL deserved to be a power in the game and I have huge respect for Dragon and Suni (even though Suni was not honest to SOLers about my intentions with SOL after the friendship ended).

Let's not forget why SoF/SOL relations broke down now... Why don't we show everyone why SoF and SOL really ended up going to war and not the bullfluff propaganda you have been spinning so much that you now believe...

- SOL sent a tagjumper into MD in it's war with SoF.
- SOL sent mass FA to MD in breach of our pact in the war with SoF.
- SOL was at war with RD which SoF remained neutral in and did not get involved.
- SOL was losing and then certain SOLers tried to make 2 fully stocked and huge SoFers tagjump to SOL and break against RD countries, forcing us to kill one of those SoF members involved and alienate another.
- SOL then decided to actively try and "poach" IXers from SoF.
- SoF was upset and started some rhetoric aimed at deterring SOL from it's course of action. Suni was also informed that SoF believed it's issues could be resolved.
- SoF begins discussions with SOL to resolve the issue but SoF Heads were not contactable for a couple of days due to rl issues.
- SOL panics and posts on AT calling on anyone who hates SoF to join them in warring SoF.
- SOL gets Evo and Monsters to join them in gangbanging SoF oop.

I admit fault on my part about my posts (the rhetoric) on Facebook which I made to deter SOLers from causing trouble with SoF (which I also told Suni that we had issues that we could resolve), but i challenge you to find what SoF did wrong by SOL during our time as allies apart from the words I posted on Facebook.

But yes, go ahead and make it out like it was all to just isolate SOL and MD.

Edited By: Sov on Jun 26th 2014, 17:06:36
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