
Xinhuan Game profile


Jun 27th 2014, 3:16:02

The thing about build cost is that when you invest points into it, you only gain benefit from it *from the remainder of the reset*. Most people don't think about it too deeply about it.

8 points for -1.3% construction costs. But the -1.3% costs only applies for every remainder acre you intend to build for the rest of the set. If you put 8 points into it while you are at 50k land, and if your land goal is 60k land, then you are only getting that -1.3% on the next 10k land you are building.

There is a breakeven point where it no longer makes sense to invest in it, and this happens just a bit before you decide to stop grabbing/gaining land for the rest of the reset.

The hard part is calculating whether this is worth more than -expenses. The same 8 points could go into -0.8% expenses, which will also only work for the remainder of the reset, but the "remainder of the reset" could possibly be more than what you save in build costs. It is even more complicated when you realize that savings in build cost occurs over a shorter time frame (i.e over the next 5 days over the 10k acres you are going to grab/build), but the savings for expenses is spread over a larger time frame (i.e over the next 15 days). This matters since if you get to save the money now over a shorter time frame, that money can be invested somewhere else.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Jun 27th 2014, 3:19:18
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