


Jul 8th 2014, 15:07:47

It's funny because I feel like we've been in this exact place before a couple of times. It always seems to be an alliance leader with an ego the size of Texas and the anything to win attitude that must have been developed from some experience (positive or negative) IRL. That attitude leads to:

- Associated with anymore who will help them win
- Bending or breaking rules, customs or common practises to win
- Telling their followers whatever they have to to get their loyalty
- Lying habitually

Just like the leaders in the past that have gone down this hateful route you are going to crash and burn Sov and sadly you will inevitably take "your" alliance and its allies with you. Because you and the people you are surrounding yourself with (read Flamey, iScode) have no filter. Because lines you think exist and you won't cross get stepped over one by one and before you know it you are Hanlong or TC or Mr. Titanium. And I know this because I've seen it, 3 times and those guys were exactly like you but probably smarter. Yesterday it was iScode infiltrating MD and suiciding on your allies in an effort to discredit us, today it's lying about his ban from SoF and harbouring him. It's the manipulation of RAGE and LaF and others. I'm sure you will top it next reset. Because you have to, you have to keep winning whatever it takes, because if you are not winning what are you? Losing and you can't lose.

Unfortunately there are few in this game that can lose or that have the ability to realise sometimes losing is the better way. Lose or cheat & win? Lose or lie and win? Lose or manipulate your "friends" and win?

We'll be right back at square one again in 12 months time with another scandal and Pang and Qz cleaning up a mess.

The sad thing about this is that you'll drag your members with you and they'll get hurt. Just like LaFers got hurt when TC did it and rank and file RD'ers got hurt when Titanium and co went too far.

There are some really decent and intelligent alliance leaders on the server and I think if they take some perspective on things and realise the signs they'll know that following you is a losing game. Maybe not this reset or next but eventually it will be. Because your the kid the crashes and burns. It's always been the case in this game.

And that's a real shame.

Edited By: Arsenal on Jul 8th 2014, 15:10:11. Reason: typo
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