


Jul 15th 2014, 21:00:53

I've had rolling bans of the last 3-4 days on AT which has limited the amount I can say and respond to people's accusations. I've also been PM'd by a few people coming out of the woodwork to insult or attack me. A strange situation with both happening at the same time.

I'm not sure what I've said thats hit a nerve so badly. In any case I've now collected a reasonable amount of circumstantial and indirect evidence on these issues and passed a small redacted fraction of it on to give one of the last mods I trust a good starting point for investigations.

We'll see what if anything can be proven to their satisfaction.

To clarify unlike Sov, Mr Ford and others from SoF I have not publically suggested a single mod has abused their in-game powers nor have I used foul or offensive language to make my point. All I have protested is the closing of AT threads and banning of my accounts. I would have thought publically calling out mods as abusing their in-game powers would be taken far more seriously and resulted in at least if not more harsh treatment than I have been dealt.

^ That is the hypocrisy I see and am calling out and that extends to every single mod that has been involved in closing threads and banning me, Martian or otherwise.

It's been made plain to me by the modding and EE msg's that I should stop talking now so this will be my last post on the subject.

Lets hope no cheating or bias will be uncovered.

Edited By: Arsenal on Jul 15th 2014, 22:07:41
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