
H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 19th 2014, 14:34:04

It has nothing to do with feeling like a man.

The concern with "life long injuries or even death" is not a rational since it is highly unlikely to occur. Once again you are saying that someone else's life is not worth more than a mild inconvenience for you (getting hurt and having to deal with a recovery that likely won't take any longer than a week, maybe 2). Especially in a situation where you are at a bar and presumably you and the aggressor have people with you who would break up the fight once it is clear someone is done (often they are broken up long before that).

I suppose this means you've never been in a fight? Because if you have you would realize how irrational your fear of a fight actually is. I've studied martial arts most of my life and I have been through more beat downs than I can count through my training, as well as a few real life situations that have come up. The human body is quite resilient and the odds of you suffering long term disability injury from a bar fight is very low.

This has nothing to do with "being a man" by fighting and everything to do with nobody deserving to die over something so petty as a squabble that has escalated to the physical realm. Is your ego really so important that you would rather kill someone than deal with the "shame" of being beaten up?

As an example of what I'm talking about with many Americans lacking any rationality when it comes to use of force:

Last year at the Calgary Stampede there was an American cop visiting with his wife. He later reported to a US paper that while at the Stampede he was walking with his wife when a couple "young drunk guys" approached them and had the gull to ask if they were enjoying the Stampede. This guy's response was to tell the drunk guys that he and his wife had no desire to speak with them and for them to please leave them be. The "aggressors" response was to laugh and mock the guy for being so paranoid.

The cop went on to say he wished he could carry in Canada for situations like that..... So yeah it sounds like this guy would have shot these young guys for having the nerve to ask if they were enjoying themselves, and to laugh at him when he behaved so paranoid about the simple question.