
Furious999 Game profile


Oct 8th 2014, 19:11:57

You are not building enough csites.

Go one indie build then 4 csites for a while then start building csites whenever you don't have enough acres for a full build.

If you are playing Theo techer you build Indies and sell turrets until you have about 250k-300k cash then you stop selling the turrets, switch to Theo and continue with csites and indies. By the time you have 400 or so indies and about 120 csites you will have a million or so in cash, as soon as you come out of protection (or a few turns later if you don't quiyte have enough turrets) sell 5,000 turrets at a price to sell. If you got a very early start you can maybe get 139 if you are back in the pack you might have to settle for 105.

Anyway what I then do is to either grab for land or explore one at a time and get about 600 - 1000 labs up. Now money will be running short. Another sale of military may be best but what is playable is to spend turns teching bus/res and get your cash per turn up. You are still getting units from your indies and the cost of building is low. I find it goes something like, two turns explore, one turn build, two turns teching, two turns explore one turn building etc.

When you have about 2 k acres built you can do some AG and Industrial and when you have enough to make it worthwhile sell that. Supplement with one or two thousand units of your bus/res if you must but better to try to keep it as it is giving you cash as you tech.

Edited By: Furious999 on Oct 8th 2014, 19:14:29
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