
de1i Game profile


Sep 4th 2010, 20:52:02

I don't give a fluff how well you can 1v1, run a warchat/country, or even spell... The point of killing you would have been to hopefully (key word here) ruin your reset and piss you off for being a douche bag. Devoting 3 months or however long a reset is to some sort of retarded epeen battle that you might actually end up enjoying completely defeats that purpose. I did now who you were or that you were already famous for being a tool, so I'm more than satisfied by LaE's actions as it has obviously bothered you.

So thanks but no thanks. Although maybe someone else on this thread will, that way you'll have an excuse for being tagless next reset.

Edited By: de1i on Sep 4th 2010, 20:54:53
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