

EE Patron

Apr 9th 2015, 21:44:57

Originally posted by Celphi:
Selective reading. I only typed two sentences and one has the word: *probably*. I don't have to talk for you, you do it to yourself.

<narrative> <setting: EE> <act 1>

Earf: Hey everyone I just got LG'd by a noob. He pissed me off, because only noobs LG me. So I decided to go into 'risky mode'. That's when I'm not really Earf. This is how it went down.

Earf: First, I decided to use a turn to spy this noob. OMG, 110% agri tech. This is as easy as taking land from a bot. Let me calculate his break.

Earf: Yup, I don't even have to buy oil for this. Just for fluffs and giggles, let's calculate if he could retal me. /calculates it

Earf: Yeah he can retal me, but, hey this noob wouldn't go against noob wisdom just to retal me. And besides, I'm in 'risky mode'. /landgrabs

/signs back in

Earf: WTF, why did this noob retal me? Oh right, I know why, because I'm earf. Let me post this on forums so that all my minions can see my superiority.

Thats about right celphi. Do you tihnk i come off badly in that? I dont think so. Also another noob just retaled me, lol, theyre all coming out of the woordwork today

Edited By: earf on Apr 9th 2015, 22:27:20
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