
DancingBear Game profile


Jul 1st 2015, 15:27:41

in a recent topic about an option to harmlessly get rid of missiles, i was struck by the actual networth value of missiles -- which marshal informs us is $5000 nw - a figure apparently set in the time of myth when the god mehul created earth ...

can anyone shed light on how/why/if this is a "good" value for missiles?

my current thinking is that it should be much higher

if missiles were made sufficiently valuable for netters to pursue them, then we would get a game with a lot more missiles, which might lead to:
1) increased use of warefare tech to create valuable missiles
2) increased use of spys to defend valuable missiles
3) increased use of spys to destroy valuable missiles
4) greater use of missiles because there are so many more of them
5) increased use of sdi to protect against all these missiles
6) increased reluctance to use valuable missiles on low value targets
7) greater "dynamic range" of player networth during hostilities - implies faster changes in combat results and quicker movement toward humanitarian limits
8) more potential for frustration and diplomatic incidents to result in someone getting a face full of missiles
and so forth ...

if you like the idea generally, then what value might work for missile nw? $50k, $100k, $200k, even higher?
is there anything else that comes with high value missiles?

if you don't like the idea of raising missle nw value, can you help me understand why it needs to stay at $5k?



Edited By: DancingBear on Jul 1st 2015, 20:06:36. Reason: typo
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