
archaic Game profile


Oct 1st 2015, 12:49:02

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by archaic:

I started the thread and tried hard to get it, but the mods apparently were illiterate. Welcome to no-rules town.

Originally posted by archaic:
I have finally come up with a solution to the 'celphi problem'.

. . . From here forward, he is smoke.

Originally posted by archaic:
. . . but soon enough he'll get on the train.

Originally posted by archaic:
. . . He tends to get hot as a furnace door when people post stupid fluff, so he will probably struggle at first.

Good luck in your own attempts.

I am quite literate but I have no idea what you're trying to show with that?


Arbeit macht frei

Edited By: archaic on Oct 1st 2015, 12:58:45
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