
alexsiki Game profile


Oct 28th 2015, 1:14:42

sure I can out grow him, but not before he destroys over 10 million jets/troops or 10k acres by bombing structures.

The only solution I can see is as you mentioned: "dropping land to match"

This is not the way in my opinion the game should be designed. Why should I paralyse myself and go backwards just so that I can defend against a country that is much weaker than I am.

A much fairer, more sensible system would to decrease the damage significantly according to the difference
in land between you and your opponent.

A country can drop 20000 acres without losing much networth. This is the issue, this needs to be addressed. If this was fixed then he would no longer be able to reach me with his Insane 250 spies per aCRE

There is one other alternative.

The thing that makes his sacrifice so powerful and so deadly is that he can drop 10000 acres, as he did and then become a god instantly, without giving me any warning or time to prepare myself.

How about the moderates tweak the unfair rules a bit, how about if such a sacrifice occurs then your spy/land ratio does not come into affect instantly but rather over time, a time-delay if you like. At least that gives the other person a chance to react??

Edited By: alexsiki on Oct 28th 2015, 1:16:52
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